I have a list of dataframes in a structure similar to this:
`ID1_01/05/10` <- data.frame(c(1,1))
`ID1_21/02/10` <- data.frame(c(2,1))
`ID2_01/05/10` <- data.frame(c(3,1))
`ID2_21/02/10` <- data.frame(c(4,1))
lst <- list(mget ( ls ( pattern = 'ID\\d+')))
I'd like to order them in the list first by identity and then by date. I.e.:
Is there a way of doing this easily?
We extract the names
, get the numeric part ('v1') and the Date
part, and order
based on it
nm1 <- sapply(lst, names)[,1]
v1 <- as.numeric(sub(".*(\\d+)_.*", "\\1", nm1))
d1 <- as.Date(sub(".*_", "", nm1), "%d/%m/%y")
nm1[order(v1, d1)]
#[1] "ID1_21/02/10" "ID1_01/05/10" "ID2_21/02/10" "ID2_01/05/10"
lapply(lst, function(x) x[order(v1, d1)])
# c.2..1.
#1 2
#2 1
# c.1..1.
#1 1
#2 1
# c.4..1.
#1 4
#2 1
# c.3..1.
#1 3
#2 1
In the OP's example, the mget
was wrapped with list
and it would create a list
of lists
. Instead it would be
lst <- mget ( ls ( pattern = 'ID\\d+'))
and if that is the case, then
nm1 <- names(lst)
lst[order(v1, d1)]