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What serializer to use (to xml) for circular reference and custom field?

I have the following xml:

<A name="">
    <B name="">
        <C name="">
            <B name=""/>
            <B name=""/>
    <B name="">
        <C name="">
            <B name=""/>
            <B name=""/>
            <B name=""/>
            <B name=""/>

Please notice that element C creates circular reference, so I can't use XmlSerializer.

How I can deserialize and serialize it? It seems that I can't use DataContractSerializer because:

  1. DataContract doesn't support attributes ("Name" in my example)
  2. DataContract doesn't support ignoring outer element name, for example

    List<B> BList;

Will be serialized to:

<C name="">
        <B name=""/>
        <B name=""/>

But I want too keep structure like in first example.

Thanks a lot.


  • you can achieve this with the help of XML Serializer and Deserializer

    Class Structure:

    [XmlRoot(ElementName = "A")]
        public class A
            public string Name { get; set; }
            private List<B> b = new List<B>();
            public List<B> B
                get { return b; }
                set { b = value; }
        public class B
            public string Name { get; set; }
            private List<C> c = new List<C>();
            public List<C> C
                get { return c; }
                set { c = value; }
        public class C
            public string Name { get; set; }
            private List<B> b = new List<B>();
            public List<B> B
                get { return b; }
                set { b = value; }

    To fill Objects ( update this as per your requirement ) :

    private A a = new A();
            private void Load()
                a.Name = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    var tempB = new B();
                    tempB.Name = string.Empty;
                    for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                        var tempC = new C();
                        tempC.Name = string.Empty;
                        for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                            var innerChildB = new B();
                            innerChildB.Name = string.Empty;


    private void Serialize()
                    // to Save columnorders to the file
                    var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(A));
                    var ns = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
                    ns.Add("", "");
                    using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(@"D:\Test_Jun13.xml"))
                        serializer.Serialize(writer, a, ns);
                catch { }


    private void DeSerialize()
                if (File.Exists(@"D:\Test_Jun13.xml"))
                    var deserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(A));
                    using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(@"D:\Test_Jun13.xml"))
                        var obj = deserializer.Deserialize(reader);
                        a = (A)obj;

    XML File will look like:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <A Name="">
      <B Name="">
        <C Name="">
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
        <C Name="">
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
        <C Name="">
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
        <C Name="">
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
        <C Name="">
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
      <B Name="">
        <C Name="">
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
        <C Name="">
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
        <C Name="">
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
        <C Name="">
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
        <C Name="">
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
      <B Name="">
        <C Name="">
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
        <C Name="">
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
        <C Name="">
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
        <C Name="">
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
        <C Name="">
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />
          <B Name="" />

    will this fix your issue?