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Binding an ImageSource object directly to an Image source in XAML/WPF?

I have the following XAML code:

<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Languages}">  
                <Image Source="{Binding LanguageIcon}" />  
                <Label Content="{Binding LanguageName}" />  

and in the model class:

class Language {  
    public string LanguageName;  
    public ImageSource LanguageIcon;  

my modelview class contains:

public List<Language> Languages;

which gets filled with:

Languages.Add(new Language("A",new BitmapImage(new Uri("Resources/a.ico",
Languages.Add(new Language("B",new BitmapImage(new Uri("Resources/b.ico",

When I run the project, all my language names are shown in the list, but not the icons... Why does this happen and how can I ensure that my icons are shown? (I am sure that the resources do exist as the BitmapImages don't throw errors)


  • Try changing your Uri path to...



    If you are trying to reference the images in a differing assembly try using the pack syntax...


    ...where ReferencedAssembly is the assembly containing your images.