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Duplicate `operationId` with Multiclass API

When I try to deploy my Cloud Endpoints Framework api using gcloud service-management deploy openapi.json, I get many errors similar to:

ERROR: openapi.json: Operation 'get' in path '/sd/v1/groups/{id}': operationId 'SdGet' has duplicate entry

Inspecting the generated openapi.json document, I see it has many duplicated operationIds. For example notice both of these use SdGet:

  "paths": {
      "/sd/v1/feeds/{id}": {
      "get": {
        "operationId": "SdGet",
    "/sd/v1/groups/{id}": {
      "get": {
        "operationId": "SdGet",

My backend is in Java. I have a multiclass API using inheritance, which seems to confrm to the recommendations in the docs. Here are the relevant parts for this example:

@Api(name = "sd", ...)
public class Endpoints { ... }

public class FeedEndpoints extends Endpoints {
        path = "feeds/{id}",
        name = "feeds.get",
        httpMethod = HttpMethod.GET)
    public Feed get(...) { ... }


public class GroupEndpoints extends Endpoints {
        path = "groups/{id}",
        name = "groups.get",
        httpMethod = HttpMethod.GET)
    public Group get(...) { ... }


To generate openapi.json I modeled my config after Google's getting started guide. So in pom.xml I have something like this, which lets me generate it with the command mvn exec:java -DGetSwaggerDoc:


What am I doing wrong? How can I define things differently so that the generated api specification does not use duplicate ids?


  • @saiyr informs me this is a bug in the framework (see comments on the question), so I filed a report here. For now I worked around it by renaming the API methods in all my endpoint classes to be unique, like this:

    public class Endpoints { ... }
    public class FeedEndpoints extends Endpoints {
        public Feed getFeed(...) { ... }
    public class GroupEndpoints extends Endpoints {
        public Group getGroup(...) { ... }