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Idiomatic ways of selecting subterm to rewrite

Suppose we have a conclusion of form: a + b + c + d + e.
We also have a lemma: plus_assoc : forall n m p : nat, n + (m + p) = n + m + p.

What are idiomatic ways to arbitrarily "insert a pair of parentheses" into the term? That is, how can we easily choose where to rewrite if there's more than one available place.

What I generally end up doing is the following:

replace (a + b + c + d + e)
with (a + b + c + (d + e))
by now rewrite <- ?plus_assoc

And while this formulation does state exactly what I want to do, it gets extremely long-winded for formulations more complicated than "a b c...".


  • rewrite <- lemma expects lemma to be an equality, that is, a term whose type is of the form something1 = something2. Like with most other tactics, you can also pass it a function that returns an equality, that is, a term whose type is of the form forall param1 … paramN, something1 = something2, in which case Coq will look for a place where it can apply the lemma to parameters to form a subterm of the goal. Coq's algorithm is deterministic, but letting it choose is not particularly useful except when performing repeated rewrites that eventually exhaust all possibilities. Here Coq happens to choose your desired goal with rewrite <- plus_assoc, but I assume that this was just an example and you're after a general technique.

    You can get more control over where to perform the rewrite by supplying more parameters to the lemma, to get a more specific equality. For example, if you want to specify that (((a + b) + c) + d) + e should be turned into ((a + b) + c) + (d + e), i.e. that the associativity lemma should be applied to the parameters (a + b) + c, d and e, you can write

    rewrite <- (plus_assoc ((a + b) + c) d e).

    You don't need to supply all the parameters, just enough to pinpoint the place where you want to apply the lemma. For example, here, it's enough to specify d as the second argument. You can do this by leaving the third parameter out altogether and specifying the wildcard _ as the first parameter.

    rewrite <- (plus_assoc _ d).

    Occasionally there are identical subterms and you only want to rewrite one of them. In this case you can't use the rewrite family of tactics alone. One approach is to use replace with a bigger term where you pick what you want to change, or event assert to replace the whole goal. Another approach is to use the set tactics, which lets you give a name to a specific occurrence of a subterm, then rely on that name to identify specific subterms, and finally call subst to get rid of the name when you're done.

    An alternative approach is to forget about which lemmas to apply, and just specify how you want to change the goal with something like assert or a plain replace … with ….. Then let automated tactics such as congruence, omega, solve [firstorder], etc. find parameters that make the proof work. With this approach, you do have to write down big parts of the goal, but you save on specifying lemmas. Which approach works best depends on where you are on a big proof and what tends to be stable during development and what isn't.