Hello guys,
I'm trying to insert content from the 2 files into 2 columns new final.txt
Their are only one column in each file
import file1.txt
import file2.txt
export final.txt
$file1 = Get-Content .\test1.txt
$file2 = Get-Content .\test2.txt
foreach ($i in $file1){
foreach($y in $file2){
Write-Host "$i" + Write-Host "$y"
Out-File .\final.txt
You can use th following using arrays :
$file1 = Get-Content .\test1.txt
$file2 = Get-Content .\test2.txt
0..$($file1.Length-1) | % {add-Content -Value "$($file1[$_]), $($file2[$_])" -Path final.txt}
In the expression a..b
, ..
is the range operator that gives a collection of integer from a
to b
see about_operators.