I want to do some POC on OpenTSDB. I have installed OpenTSDB as per the installation instruction, but having a tough time starting it. I am using HDP environment which is Kerberos enabled, I am integrating OpenTSDB with Kerberized HBase but facing below exception. If anybody have integrated OpenTSDB with Kerberos HBase, please guide..
2017-06-07 14:07:14,254 INFO [main-SendThread(ZKIP1:2181)] ClientCnxn: Opening socket connection to server ZKIP1/192.xxx.xxx.xxx:2181. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
Console O/P:
2017-06-07 14:07:14,233 INFO [main] ZooKeeper: Client environment:java.library.path=/usr/local/hawq/./lib:/usr/local/hawq/./ext/python/lib::/usr/java/packages/lib/amd64:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib
2017-06-07 14:07:14,233 INFO [main] ZooKeeper: Client environment:java.io.tmpdir=/tmp
2017-06-07 14:07:14,233 INFO [main] ZooKeeper: Client environment:java.compiler=<NA>
2017-06-07 14:07:14,233 INFO [main] ZooKeeper: Client environment:os.name=Linux
2017-06-07 14:07:14,233 INFO [main] ZooKeeper: Client environment:os.arch=amd64
2017-06-07 14:07:14,233 INFO [main] ZooKeeper: Client environment:os.version=2.6.32-431.29.2.el6.x86_64
2017-06-07 14:07:14,234 INFO [main] ZooKeeper: Client environment:user.name=user
2017-06-07 14:07:14,234 INFO [main] ZooKeeper: Client environment:user.home=/home/user
2017-06-07 14:07:14,234 INFO [main] ZooKeeper: Client environment:user.dir=/home/user/opentsdb-2.3.0
2017-06-07 14:07:14,235 INFO [main] ZooKeeper: Initiating client connection, connectString=ZKIP1:2181,ZKIP3:2181,ZKIP2:2181 sessionTimeout=5000 watcher=org.hbase.async.HBaseClient$ZKClient@63d6a00c
2017-06-07 14:07:14,254 INFO [main-SendThread(ZKIP1:2181)] ClientCnxn: Opening socket connection to server ZKIP1/192.xxx.xxx.xxx:2181. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
2017-06-07 14:07:14,257 INFO [main] HBaseClient: Need to find the -ROOT- region
2017-06-07 14:07:14,263 INFO [main-SendThread(ZKIP1:2181)] ClientCnxn: Socket connection established to ZKIP1/192.xxx.xxx.xxx:2181, initiating session
2017-06-07 14:07:14,270 INFO [main-SendThread(ZKIP1:2181)] ClientCnxn: Session establishment complete on server ZKIP1/192.xxx.xxx.xxx:2181, sessionid = 0x35ae21cf9870828, negotiated timeout = 5000
2017-06-07 14:07:14,285 ERROR [main-EventThread] HBaseClient: The znode for the -ROOT- region doesn't exist!
2017-06-07 14:07:15,310 ERROR [main-EventThread] HBaseClient: The znode for the -ROOT- region doesn't exist!
2017-06-07 14:07:16,329 ERROR [main-EventThread] HBaseClient: The znode for the -ROOT- region doesn't exist!
2017-06-07 14:07:17,349 ERROR [main-EventThread] HBaseClient: The znode for the -ROOT- region doesn't exist!
2017-06-07 14:07:18,370 ERROR [main-EventThread] HBaseClient: The znode for the -ROOT- region doesn't exist!
I am able to connect to kerberos HBase using OpenTSDB. I am listing the configuration changes I have done to connect to kerberos HBase.
1) Configuration changes in 'opentsdb.conf'
,please make sure this file is in path when you will run tsdb command.
tsd.network.port = 4242
tsd.storage.hbase.zk_basedir = /hbase-secure
tsd.storage.hbase.zk_quorum = ZKhostname1,ZKhostname2,ZKhostname3
hbase.kerberos.regionserver.principal=hbase/[email protected]
2) Inorder to avoid classpath/JVM issues, I have done all the classpath and jvm configuration in 'tsdb'
file located on '/home/user/opentsdb-2.3.0/build'
# Add the src dir so we can find logback.xml
JVMARGS=${JVMARGS-'-Djava.security.krb5.conf=/etc/krb5.conf -Dhbase.security.authentication=kerberos -Dhbase.kerberos.regionserver.principal=hbase/[email protected] -Dhbase.rpc.protection=authentication -Dhbase.sasl.clientconfig=Client -Djava.security.auth.login.config=/home/user/opentsdb-jaas.conf -enableassertions -enablesystemassertions'}
3)opentsdb-jaas.conf file
Client {
com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required
4) Command used to run opentsdb tsd instance, please note we can override some of the properties configured in 'opentsdb.conf'
on command line.
./build/tsdb tsd --port=4242 --staticroot=/home/user/opentsdb-2.3.0/build/staticroot --cachedir=/home/user/opentsdb-2.3.0/build/cache-dir --zkquorum=ZKhostname1:2181,ZKhostname2:2181,ZKhostname3:2181