I am trying to write a simple map only hadoop streaming job reading data from hdfs and pushing it to vertica.
I have written a shell script as below
./vsql -c "copy $TABLE from stdin delimiter E'\t' direct null '\\N';" -U $DBUSER -w $DBPWD -h $DBHOST -p $DBPORT
I have created oozie workflow as :
<action name="loadToVertica">
<delete path="${nameNode}/user/$USER/output/${exportDataDate}"/>
<mapper>shell export.sh</mapper>
<ok to="end"/>
<error to="end"/>
When i run this the status of job is Failed/Killed without any error message.
Adding -e in after #!/bin/sh helped me to trace what the actual error is.
After adding -e option in the script there was an error code in the logs.
After this the first line would look like :
#!/bin/sh -e