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Grails domain hasMany validation

I have a case that validation is done on domain properties but not on the an associated (hasMany) properties.

Is there any configuration I can add to enable the validation on both properties (domain and hasMany).

grails version : 3.1.14


class Person {
      String name;
      static hasMany = [location: Location]
      static constraints = {
        name nullable: true

class Location {
      String address
      String city
      State state
      String zip

      static constraints = {
        address nullable: true


  • According to the documentation the validation should work for has-many associations as you wish:

    But in my test's it does not work eather.

    An other solution is to work with the constraints:

    static constraints = {
        name nullable: true
        location validator: {val, obj ->
            val.every { it.validate() } ?: 'invalid' 