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Using chaos game representation for gene sequences [Python program]

I need to represent many gene sequences using chaos game representation I got this python code from Boštjan Cigan's blog (

Author: Bostjan Cigan

    import collections
    from collections import OrderedDict
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib import cm

    import pylab
    import math

    f = open("ensemblSeq.fa")
    s1 =
    data = "".join(s1.split("\n")[1:])

    def count_kmers(sequence, k):
        d = collections.defaultdict(int)
        for i in xrange(len(data)-(k-1)):
            d[sequence[i:i+k]] +=1
        for key in d.keys():
             if "N" in key:
                 del d[key]
        return d

    def probabilities(kmer_count, k):
        probabilities = collections.defaultdict(float)
        N = len(data)
        for key, value in kmer_count.items():
            probabilities[key] = float(value) / (N - k + 1)
        return probabilities

    def chaos_game_representation(probabilities, k):
        array_size = int(math.sqrt(4**k))
        chaos = []
        for i in range(array_size):

        maxx = array_size
        maxy = array_size
        posx = 1
        posy = 1
         for key, value in probabilities.items():
             for char in key:
                 if char == "T":
                    posx += maxx / 2
                 elif char == "C":
                    posy += maxy / 2
                 elif char == "G":
                     posx += maxx / 2
                     posy += maxy / 2
                 maxx = maxx / 2
                 maxy /= 2
             chaos[posy-1][posx-1] = value
             maxx = array_size
             maxy = array_size
             posx = 1
             posy = 1

         return chaos

      f3 = count_kmers(data, 3)
      f4 = count_kmers(data, 4)

      f3_prob = probabilities(f3, 3)
      f4_prob = probabilities(f4, 4)

      chaos_k3 = chaos_game_representation(f3_prob, 3)
      pylab.title('Chaos game representation for 3-mers')
      pylab.imshow(chaos_k3, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm.gray_r)

      chaos_k4 = chaos_game_representation(f4_prob, 4)
      pylab.title('Chaos game representation for 4-mers')
      pylab.imshow(chaos_k4, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm.gray_r)

This code works fine but I have many sequence files I need to iterate through each fasta file in the folder and get individual plots stored in a folder with the name of the image file corresponding to the name of the fasta file how can I modify the code according to my need

I am new to python as well as StackOverflow if any mistake is there kindly ignore

Thanks in advance


  • So, if you want to apply your code on every file in your directory a very simple way to do this is calling all files inside of a for-loop. I suggest the following:

    import collections
    import os
    from collections import OrderedDict
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib import cm
    import pylab
    import math
    def count_kmers(sequence, k):
        d = collections.defaultdict(int)
        for i in xrange(len(data)-(k-1)):
            d[sequence[i:i+k]] +=1
        for key in d.keys():
             if "N" in key:
                 del d[key]
        return d
    def probabilities(kmer_count, k):
        probabilities = collections.defaultdict(float)
        N = len(data)
        for key, value in kmer_count.items():
            probabilities[key] = float(value) / (N - k + 1)
        return probabilities
    def chaos_game_representation(probabilities, k):
        array_size = int(math.sqrt(4**k))
        chaos = []
        for i in range(array_size):
        maxx = array_size
        maxy = array_size
        posx = 1
        posy = 1
        for key, value in probabilities.items():
            for char in key:
                if char == "T":
                    posx += maxx / 2
                elif char == "C":
                    posy += maxy / 2
                elif char == "G":
                     posx += maxx / 2
                     posy += maxy / 2
                maxx = maxx / 2
                maxy /= 2
            chaos[posy-1][posx-1] = value
            maxx = array_size
            maxy = array_size
            posx = 1
            posy = 1
        return chaos
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        PATH = os.getcwd()
        filelist = sorted([os.path.join(PATH, f) for f in os.listdir(PATH) if f.endswith('.fa')])
        for file in filelist:
            f = open(file)
            s1 =
            data = "".join(s1.split("\n")[1:])
            f3 = count_kmers(data, 3)
            f4 = count_kmers(data, 4)
            f3_prob = probabilities(f3, 3)
            f4_prob = probabilities(f4, 4)
            chaos_k3 = chaos_game_representation(f3_prob, 3)
            pylab.title('Chaos game representation for 3-mers')
            pylab.imshow(chaos_k3, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm.gray_r)
            chaos_k4 = chaos_game_representation(f4_prob, 4)
            pylab.title('Chaos game representation for 4-mers')
            pylab.imshow(chaos_k4, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm.gray_r)

    I just wrapped a loop around and added a pylab.savefig() call. Furthermore I used os to get the filenames from your directory. It should work now.