I am currently trying to write a unit test library for a code base in C#. I want to view the percent code coverage my tests are achieving. I am using VS2010 which does not have any build in code analysis tools. I have downloaded FxCop and included it at an external tool in VS2010, but I don't know how to get the code coverage percentage. I believe it would be done by setting rules for that, but I am not sure. I have looked into the rule sets and how to create custom rules, but I am not sure how to implement it or what rule set libraries I would use.
I am completely new to FxCop and external analysis tools in general, so a step by step or any direction you can give would be great!
As far as I know FxCop, any version even the newest CodeAnalysis 2017, doesn't import code coverage data.
You can try the tool NDepend. It can import code coverage data from VisualStudio coverage, NCover and dotCover. Then you can harness this code coverage data in a number of way: