CHANGE_TOTAL = (float(input('type in the change total ')))
def main():
value_1 = (float(input('type in the first value ')))
value_2 = (float(input('type in the second value ')))
value_3 = (float(input('type the third value ')))
def values_average(a,b,c):
total = (a+b+c)
if total > CHANGE_TOTAL:
print ('there\'s not change availibility at the moment plase wait')
print ('your change is being process plase wait a moment')
def change_due(items_cost):
input ('"press enter"')
money_received = (float(input('type in the amount of money received ')))
change = (money_received - items_cost)
print ('your change is', change)
def change_total_aft_trans(a):
change_left = (CHANGE_TOTAL - a)
print ('the change left is', change_left)
this is the thing as you can see in the ¨values_average funtion¨ when i try to loop the whole thing over by calling the ¨main function¨after the if-statement it doesn't asks me to type in a new CHANGE_TOTAL value, which is what i would like to do. any advice ? thanks in advance
I think relying on mutable global state is uncool. But you can easily do it that way, if you really want. Move your CHANGE_TOTAL = (float(input('type in the change total ')))
inside main
and put a global
def main():
CHANGE_TOTAL = (float(input('type in the change total ')))
value_1 = (float(input('type in the first value ')))
value_2 = (float(input('type in the second value ')))
value_3 = (float(input('type the third value ')))
def values_average(a,b,c):
total = (a+b+c)
if total > CHANGE_TOTAL:
print ('there\'s not change availibility at the moment plase wait')
print ('your change is being process plase wait a moment')
def change_due(items_cost):
input ('"press enter"')
money_received = (float(input('type in the amount of money received ')))
change = (money_received - items_cost)
print ('your change is', change)
def change_total_aft_trans(a):
change_left = (CHANGE_TOTAL - a)
print ('the change left is', change_left)
Here would be a more sensible design, in my opinion:
def main():
change_total, *values = prompt_values()
cost = sum(values)
while cost > change_total:
print("there's not change availibility at the moment plase wait")
change_total, *values = prompt_values()
cost = sum(values)
change_due(cost, change_total)
def prompt_values():
change_total = float(input('type in the change total '))
value_1 = float(input('type in the first value '))
value_2 = float(input('type in the second value '))
value_3 = (float(input('type the third value ')))
return change_total, value_1, value_2, value_3
def change_due(items_cost, change_total):
print ('your change is being process plase wait a moment')
input ('"press enter"')
money_received = (float(input('type in the amount of money received ')))
change = (money_received - items_cost)
print ('your change is', change)
change_total_aft_trans(change, change_total)
def change_total_aft_trans(change, change_total):
change_left = change_total - change
print ('the change left is', change_left)
Note, I use a while-loop instead of mutual recursion.