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Ionic2,Angular2: [(ngModel)] for ion-checkbox or html checkbox?

What should the [(ngModel)] in the following case be,such that I can persist the state of the checkbox in the slide ? I need to slide from one slide to another upon selecting the checkboxes but when I click previous the state needs to be persisted.

Here is what I've for radio buttons. I just changed the radio buttons code into checkbox but it is not working.So I removed the [value] property and now if I select one checkbox, all of them are getting checked.

    <ion-content padding>

        <ion-slide *ngFor="let question of questions; let i = index">
          <h1>{{ question.text }}</h1>
           <span *ngIf="question.type=='singlecorrect'>
          <ion-list radio-group [(ngModel)]="question.answer">
            <ion-item no-lines no-padding *ngFor="let choice of question.choices">
              <ion-label>{{ choice.choiceText }}</ion-label>
              <ion-radio [value]="choice"></ion-radio>

           <span *ngIf="question.type=='singlecorrect'>
          <ion-list checkbox-group [(ngModel)]="question.answer">
            <ion-item no-lines no-padding *ngFor="let choice of question.choices">
              <ion-label>{{ choice.choiceText }}</ion-label>
              <ion-checkbox></checkbox>  // ERROR : no value accessor found. 

          <ion-row margin-top>
              <button (click)="showPrevious()" ion-button text-only [disabled]="i === 0" >Previous</button>
              <button [disabled]="!question.answer" *ngIf="i < questions.length - 1" (click)="showNext()" ion-button text-only >Next</button>
              <button [disabled]="!question.answer" *ngIf="i === questions.length - 1" (click)="showNext()" ion-button text-only >Submit</button>



I'm storing the selected choices in an array called "answer".Refer this:Angular2,Typescript: How to put the radio button checked when in an array which displays one element per page? Can someone help me? Thanks in advance.


  • I'm not sure if all questions should use checkboxes, or just some of them. I've modified the previous plunker to set some questions as a multiple choice question and left the rest as single choice questions. Please take a look at the new version of the plunker

    This is the end result:

    ionic demo

    In the demo, now each question has the following properties:

        text: 'Question 1',
        multiple: false,
        choices: [...],
        answer: null

    If the question allows multiple answers, then the answer property is initialized with an array, with one item per available choice of that question.

    // Initialize the answers
    this.questions.forEach(question => {
      if(question.multiple) {
        // Initialize an array with as many elements as the number of choices
        question.answer = new Array(question.choices.length);

    Then in the view we render radio items or checkbox items accordingly:

        <ion-slide *ngFor="let question of questions; let i = index">
          <h1>{{ question.text }}</h1>
            <!-- Single choice: radio items -->
            <div *ngIf="!question.multiple">
              <ion-list radio-group [(ngModel)]="question.answer">
                <ion-item no-lines no-padding *ngFor="let choice of question.choices">
                  <ion-label>{{ choice.choiceText }}</ion-label>
                  <ion-radio [value]="choice"></ion-radio>
            <!-- Multiple choice: checkbox items -->
            <div *ngIf="question.multiple">
              <ion-item no-lines no-padding *ngFor="let choice of question.choices; let i = index">
                <ion-label>{{ choice.choiceText }}</ion-label>
                <ion-checkbox [(ngModel)]="question.answer[i]"></ion-checkbox>
          <span style="font-size: 1.2rem;">Selected answer: {{ question.answer | json }}</span>
          <ion-row margin-top>
              <button (click)="showPrevious()" ion-button text-only [disabled]="i === 0" >Previous</button>
              <button [disabled]="!question.answer" *ngIf="i < questions.length - 1" (click)="showNext()" ion-button text-only >Next</button>
              <button [disabled]="!question.answer" *ngIf="i === questions.length - 1" (click)="showNext()" ion-button text-only >Submit</button>