This is the first time that i write here... I try to explain my problem! I wrote this code in masm32
.model flat
mess db "digita un carattere ",0
res db "x = %c",10,0
salva db ?
extern _printf:proc
extern _scanf:proc
_funzione proc
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push ebx
push edi
push esi
mov eax, offset mess
push eax
call _printf ;puting out the message
mov eax, offset salva
push eax
mov eax, offset res
push eax
call _scanf ;taking the char and saving it in "salva"
add esp,12
xor eax,eax
mov eax,offset salva
push eax
mov eax, offset res
push eax
call _printf ;printing the char
add esp,8
pop esi
pop edi
pop ebx
pop ebp
_funzione endp
When i compile it the output is:
I dont understand why _printf doesnt print the char ('y') that _scanf had read... Please help me!
The format strings of printf
and scanf
are very different. The scanf
format string controls only the input, scanf
does not output something (just echo the inputted character). scanf
will produce nothing but an error with res db "x = %c",10,0
. Add a line scanf_res db "%c",0
and change mov eax, offset res
to mov eax, offset scanf_res
The printf
format string res db "x = %c",10,0
expects a direct value to be pushed, not an offset of a string. Change mov eax,offset salva
to mov al, salva
.model flat
mess db "digita un carattere ",0
scanf_res db "%c",0
res db "x = %c",10,0
salva db ?
extern _printf:proc
extern _scanf:proc
extern _fflush:proc
_funzione proc
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push ebx
push edi
push esi
mov eax, offset mess
push eax
call _printf ;puting out the message
mov eax, offset salva
push eax
mov eax, offset scanf_res
push eax
call _scanf ;taking the char and saving it in "salva"
add esp,12
xor eax,eax
mov al, salva
push eax
mov eax, offset res
push eax
call _printf ;printing the char
add esp,8
pop esi
pop edi
pop ebx
pop ebp
_funzione endp