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Load one ui grid based on row selected from another ui grid

I have a UI grid component and when you click on a row, I would like it to load the contents of another ui grid component on the page. How would you write a function to tell the grid to update the second grid based on a rest api call with parameter from selected from first grid row? As an example, the first grid would be a list of states and the second grid would show all of the cities within the selected state.


  • Here are the steps to achieve what you are looking for.

    • Register the Grid API
    • Call modifyRows
    • Put your secoundary function call inside the onRowSelection call using .get selectedRows() to get all selected rows.

    here is a quick example:

    $scope.yourGridName.onRegisterApi = function (gridApi) {
        // Set gridApi on scope, if you have more then one grid, 
        // Your grid api name (gApi in this case)must be unique
        $scope.gApi = gridApi;
        // Allow row modification 
        // On a change of selection
        gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChanged($scope, function (row) {
            // Get current selected row, current row is an array
            var currentRow = $scope.gApi.selection.getSelectedRows();
            //put your secondary call for your second grid here ex:
            var config = {
                params : {param : currentRow[0].prop}
            $scope.get("/your/URL", config)
                   .then (function (data) { //success callback })
                   .then (function (data, status...etc) { //error callback})
                   .finally( function(data,...etc) {//reset your grid})

    Let me know if this resolves your issue.