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How can I pass an argument to a sub-page in an Appcelerator TabGroup?

I am making a tab based app with Appcelerator. On the master page (info.js) there is a listview showing a list of titles and ids. If one clicks on the item, the id should be passed to the details page (info_details.js). How can I pass the id from the master to the details page in a tabgroup?

I am using code from the sample app, but it does not pass any argument to the sub (details) page:

function onListViewItemclick(e) {
 var item = e.section.getItemAt(e.itemIndex);
 //var controllerName = e.itemId;

function openSample(controllerName) {
var controller = Alloy.createController(controllerName);


    <Tab title="Tab 1" icon="KS_nav_ui.png" id="main">
        <Window title="Nominate">
            <Label>I am Window 1</Label>
    <Tab title="Tab 2" icon="KS_nav_views.png" id="info">
        <Window title="Info">
            <Require src="info"/>

The subpage (info_details) expects

var args = $.args;
var currentNid = args.nid;


  • You can pass arguments via the createController args parameter. In your case, you can do something like:

    function onListViewItemclick(e) {
      //e.itemId or whatever you want to send to the controller
      openSample("info_details", {nid: e.itemId});
    function openSample(controllerName, args) {
      //pass the args to createController
      var controller = Alloy.createController(controllerName, args);


    Then in the info_details:

    var args = $.args;
    var currentNid = args.nid;