Recently I started usage of ScalaMock library in my unit tests and it works fine, until I want to use the same stab (declared globally in a test suite) in more than one test.
Here is an example:
import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
trait Bank {
def transaction(amount: Double): Double
def deposit(amount: Double): Double
class OloloSuite extends FunSuite with MockFactory {
val fakeBank = stub[Bank]
(fakeBank.transaction _).when(10.0).returns(9.0)
(fakeBank.deposit _).when(10.0).returns(11.0)
test("Transaction test") {
assert(fakeBank.transaction(10.0) === 9.0)
test("Deposit test") {
assert(fakeBank.deposit(10.0) === 11.0)
How to make "Deposit test" pass?
please read the docs here:
Your options:
mix in OneInstancePerTest with your test suite
or create a fixture (see link above for example)