Hey guys thank you so much, in advance, for your help! I have a data step before the code below called "simulation_tracking3", that outputs something like:
CDFx Allowed_Claims
.06 120
.12 13
.15 1400
My hash table averages the Allowed_Claims based on a randomly generated value (from 0 to 1). For example, let's call this Process A, if Px = rand('Uniform',0,1)
yields .09, I want it to average between the Allowed_Claims values where Px = .06 and Px = 0.12, which is (120+13)/2
The role of the array is that it dictates how many iterations of Process A I want. The array is
Members {24} _temporary_ (5 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80
90 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 400 500);
So when the loop starts, it will perform 5 iterations of Process A, thereby producing 5 averaged "allowed_claims" values. I want the sum of these five claims.
Then, the loop will continue and perform 6 iterations of Process A and produce 6 averaged "allowed_claims" values. Again, I want the sum of these 6 claims.
The output table looks like this:
Member[i] Average_Expected_Claims
5 (sum of 5 'averaged 'claims)
6 (sum of 6 'averaged' claims)
8 (sum of 8 'averaged' claims)
My problem is that, on the second-to-last and last iteration, it's using the same random value to generate the allowed claims. and it doesn't sum it up in a "running total" format.
For example, the fourth and fifth iteration for the 5 member group have the same allowed claims, the fifth and sixth for the 6 member group, etc. Also, the number that is produced in the output table corresponding to a X-member group, sums the allowed claims value from the first occurrence to the second to last. For example, for the 5 person group the sum of the allowed claims is from 1-4, not 1-5.
So the two issues I see are: it doesn't generate a unique random value to calculate allowed claims; it fails to add the last occurrence to the running total.
The values for the 5-member generated table looks like this:
allowed_claims _i_simul rand_value ac_average
805.61154253 1 0.4518515905 805.61154253
805.61154253 2 0.2017115643 0
5091.2264605 3 0.7019698818 4285.614918
8207.1931206 4 0.6518877812 3115.9666601
8207.1931206 5 0.6518877812 3115.9666601
Below is my code:
data simulation_members; *simulates allowed claims for each member in member array;
call streaminit(454);
array members [24] _temporary_ (5 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30 40 50
60 70 80 90 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 400 500); *any number of members here is fine;
if _n_ eq 1 then do; * initiliaze the hash tables;
if 0 then set simulation_tracking3; * defines the variables used;
declare hash _iter(dataset:'simulation_tracking3', ordered: 'a'); *ordered = ascending - do not need a sort first;
_iter.defineKey('CDFx'); * key is artificial, but has to exist;
_iter.defineData('CDFx','Allowed_Claims'); * data variables to retrieve;
declare hiter hi_iter('_iter'); * the iterator object;
do _i_member = 1 to dim(members); * iterate over members array;
call missing(claims_simulated);
do _i_simul = 1 to members[_i_member]-1;
rand_value = rand('Uniform',0,1);
do rc = hi_iter.first() by 0 until (hi_iter.next() ne 0 or CDFx gt rand_value);
ac_max = allowed_claims;
rc = hi_iter.prev();
ac_min = allowed_claims;
ac_average = mean(ac_max,ac_min);
claims_simulated + ac_average;
put rand_value= claims_simulated=; *just for logging;
output; *drop unnecessary columns;
This has nothing to do with RNG and everything to do with programming logic. It's not generating a number twice, you're outputting the same row twice.
Remove the output
that has the *drop unnecessary columns;
comment, and update the loop to remove the -1