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How can I append a given key to a PostgreSQL JSONB array?

I have a JSONB store.

requests: {
 "0000": ["1111"],
 "1111": ["2222"]

I can add into the store just fine when I have an initial value with:

UPDATE users SET requests = jsonb_insert(requests::jsonb, '{2222}', $$["3333"]$$);

However if I need to append to the array, it acts like I'm trying to replace the value and throws:

UPDATE users SET requests = jsonb_insert(requests::jsonb, '{0000}', $$["4444"]$$);
ERROR:  cannot replace existing key
HINT:  Try using the function jsonb_set to replace key value.

Desired output would be:

requests: {
 "0000": ["1111", "4444"],
 "1111": ["2222"]

Seems I'm missing a simple array_append or something but can't manage to figure it out.


  • I was not sure about your structure, but with such:

    create table users (requests jsonb);

    You are missing array index in your path:

    t=# select * from users ;
     {"0000": ["1111"]}
     {"1111": ["2222"]}
    (2 rows)
    Time: 0.257 ms
    t=# UPDATE users SET requests = jsonb_insert(requests::jsonb, '{0000,1}', '"4444"');
    UPDATE 2
    Time: 7.552 ms
    t=# select * from users ;
     {"0000": ["1111", "4444"]}
     {"1111": ["2222"]}
    (2 rows)