I'm trying to throw a custom error from my stored procedure in SQL Server but am getting an error when compiling. The problem is clear. I am trying to display the value of a parameter of type bit and I believe my format statement is wrong. I have the following:
EXEC sys.sp_addmessage
@msgnum = 60000
,@severity = 16
,@msgText = N'Bad parameter. You cannot pass NULLs to this procedure, UseAlternateEquity (%i), AlternateEquity (%d), PushEmail (%i)'
,@lang = NULL;
declare @msg1 NVARCHAR(2048) = FORMATMESSAGE(60000, @UseAlternateEquity, @AlternateEquity, @PushEmail);
throw 60000, @msg1, 1;
The variables @UseAlternateEquity
and @PushEmail
are of type bit
Could someone tell me what the appropriate format type is please. I have searched high and low and can't find the answer
Just cast your @UseAlternateEquity and @PushEmail to another type prior to pass them. You can cast them to varchar or to int like this (I'm on the 2008 so I can RAISERROR)
declare @UseAlternateEquityand bit = 1,
@PushEmailare bit = 0,
@AlternateEquity bit = 1;
declare @UseAlternateEquityand_1 int = @UseAlternateEquityand,
@PushEmailare_1 int = @PushEmailare,
@AlternateEquity_1 int = @AlternateEquity;
RAISERROR ( N'Bad parameter. You cannot pass NULLs to this procedure, UseAlternateEquity (%u), AlternateEquity (%u), PushEmail (%u)',