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Use angular-cli with multiple path proxy matching

How can I define multiple paths to proxy in my proxy.conf.json? The angular-cli proxy documentation on github looks like you can only have one path (/api):

  "/api": {
    "target": "http://localhost:3000",
    "secure": false

But when I look into the webpack proxy or the http-proxy-middleware documentation, I see it should be possible to define multiple paths (/api-v1 and /api-v2):

// Multiple entry
proxy: [
    context: ['/api-v1/**', '/api-v2/**'],
    target: '',
    secure: false

But I don't understand how I can get this into the proxy.conf.json.


  • Use the following syntax in your proxy.conf.json:

        "context": ["/api-v1/**", "/api-v2/**"],
        "target": "",
        "secure": false

    Actual syntax that works is as below:

            "context": [
            "target": "http://localhost:8080",
            "secure": false