I have been using spring-security-ccore 3.1.1 a while. I decided to update to 3.1.2, but I found some problems working together with mongodb database.
Since the password encoding is not directly in domain class
I'm using mongoDB as primary database, so I commented all hibernate plugins.
Is it missing something? I know the bean name is 'hibernateDatastore', but I did not find any documentation relate about mongodb and spring security.
Should I use the password encoding directly in domain class?
User.groovy (With mongodb modifications)
I have created a simple app with Spring Security Core and MongoDB:
You need to modify slightly the output of s2-quickstart
You would need to replace in grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy
userPasswordEncoderListener(UserPasswordEncoderListener, ref('hibernateDatastore'))
userPasswordEncoderListener(UserPasswordEncoderListener, ref('mongoDatastore'))