I would like to write a Ruby script that would find if the directory from the same pattern then copy the folders and files inside to another directory.
For example, if I want to find a pattern of directory that is:
it can be:
as long as the front part starts with "./file/drive_Temp/" and end with "/tools/".
what I want to do is to copy all the files that meet the pattern of the directory as mentioned to a new directory:
There might be some files in the following directory such as :
those txt files would be move to directory called Tools
This is my code:
if File.directory?('./file/drive_Temp/**/tools')
FileUtils.mv './file/drive_Temp/**/tools/*.*','./Tools'
Is the double asterisk not working? Because the folder could not be moved to the directory specified. Or should I use glob
You could use Dir
to get all the files within those directories, and iterate to move each of those files, like this:
Dir["./file/drive_Temp/**/tools/*"].each do |file|
FileUtils.mv(file, './Tools')
Notice that this will replace any files that already exist in ./Tools
; if such behavior needs to be avoided, then you can check if the file to be moved already exists in .Tools
before moving it, for example:
target_dir = "./Tools"
Dir["./file/drive_Temp/**/tools/*"].each do |file|
if File.exist?("#{target_dir}/#{File.basename(file)}")
# Handle file with duplicate name.
FileUtils.mv(file, target_dir)