I'd like to capture some streaming output in PowerShell. For example
cmd /c "echo hi && foo"
This command should print hi and then bomb. I know that I can use -ErrorVariable:
Invoke-Command { cmd /c "echo hi && foo" } -ErrorVariable ev
however there is an issue: in the case of long running commands, I want to stream the output, not capture it and only get the stderr/stdout output at the end of the command
Ideally, I'd like to be able to split stderr and stdout and pipe to two different streams - and pipe the stdout back to the caller, but be prepared to throw stderr in the event of an error. Something like
Invoke-Command "cmd" "/c `"echo hi && foo`"" `
-OutStream (Get-Command Write-Output) `
-ErrorAction {
$stdErr += "`n$_"
Write-Error $_
if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) { throw $stdErr}
the closest I can get is using piping, but that doesn't let me discriminate between stdout and stderr so I end up throwing the entire output stream
function Invoke-Cmd {
Executes a command using cmd /c, throws on errors.
$out = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
# I need the 2>&1 to capture stderr at all
cmd /c $Cmd '2>&1' |% {
$out.AppendLine($_) | Out-Null
if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) {
# I really just want to include the error stream here
throw "An error occurred running the command:`n$($out.ToString())"
Common usage:
Invoke-Cmd "GitVersion.exe" | ConvertFrom-Json
Note that an analogous version that just uses a ScriptBlock (and checking the output stream for [ErrorRecord]s isn't acceptable because there are many programs that "don't like" being executed directly from the PowerShell process
The .NET System.Diagnostics.Process API lets me do this...but I can't stream output from inside the stream handlers (because of the threading and blocking - though I guess I could use a while loop and stream/clear the collected output as it comes in)
Note: updated sample below should now work across PowerShell hosts. GitHub issue Inconsistent handling of native command stderr has been opened to track the discrepancy in previous example. Note however that as it depends on undocumented behavior, the behavior may change in the future. Take this into consideration before using it in a solution that must be durable.
You are on the right track with using pipes, you probably don't need Invoke-Command, almost ever. Powershell DOES distinguish between stdout and stderr. Try this for example:
cmd /c "echo hi && foo" | set-variable output
The stdout
is piped on to set-variable, while std error still appears on your screen. If you want to hide and capture the stderr
output, try this:
cmd /c "echo hi && foo" 2>$null | set-variable output
The 2>$null
part is an undocumented trick that results in the error output getting appended to the PowerShell $Error
variable as an ErrorRecord
Here's an example that displays stdout, while trapping stderr
with an catch
function test-cmd {
$ErrorActionPreference = "stop"
try {
cmd /c foo 2>$null
} catch {
$errorMessage = $_.TargetObject
Write-warning "`"cmd /c foo`" stderr: $errorMessage"
Format-list -InputObject $_ -Force | Out-String | Write-Debug
Generates the message:
WARNING: "cmd /c foo" stderr: 'foo' is not recognized as an internal or external command
If you invoke with debug output enabled, you'll alsow see the details of the thrown ErrorRecord:
Exception : System.Management.Automation.RemoteException: 'foo' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
TargetObject : 'foo' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: ('foo' is not re...ternal command,:String) [], RemoteException
FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError
ErrorDetails :
InvocationInfo : System.Management.Automation.InvocationInfo
ScriptStackTrace : at test-cmd, <No file>: line 7
at <ScriptBlock>, <No file>: line 1
PipelineIterationInfo : {}
PSMessageDetails :
Setting $ErrorActionPreference="stop"
causes PowerShell to throw an exception when the child process writes to stderr, which sounds like it's the core of what you want. This 2>$null
trick makes the cmdlet and external command behavior very similar.