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how to use asyncio with boost.python?

Is it possible to use Python3 asyncio package with Boost.Python library?

I have CPython C++ extension that builds with Boost.Python. And functions that are written in C++ can work really long time. I want to use asyncio to call these functions but res = await cpp_function() code doesn't work.

  • What happens when cpp_function is called inside coroutine?
  • How not get blocked by calling C++ function that works very long time?

NOTE: C++ doesn't do some I/O operations, just calculations.


  • What happens when cpp_function is called inside coroutine?

    If you call long-running Python/C function inside any of your coroutines, it freezes your event loop (freezes all coroutines everywhere).

    You should avoid this situation.

    How not get blocked by calling C++ function that works very long time

    You should use run_in_executor to run you function in separate thread or process. run_in_executor returns coroutine that you can await.

    You'll probably need ProcessPoolExecutor because of GIL (I'm not sure if ThreadPoolExecutor is option in your situation, but I advice you to check it).

    Here's example of awaiting long-running code:

    import asyncio
    from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
    import time
    def blocking_function():
        # Function with long-running C/Python code.
        return True
    async def main():        
        # Await of executing in other process,
        # it doesn't block your event loop:
        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        res = await loop.run_in_executor(executor, blocking_function)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)  # Prepare your executor somewhere.
        loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()