I've set up my web server to follow the common git / web focused workflow for the most part.
So I have a dev branch in one folder as a subdomain and the master branch in my root folder / domain.
The trouble is that in production, we combine & minify our master branch js/css files and put them on our cdn and each time we change & minify the files, the filename changes so our master branch ends up referencing something like cdn.example.com/e23ab9.js and this is of course changing as frequently as we code updates.
But then on our development version & branch, we of course want to to just reference the uncombined & unminified files so that we can constantly be testing new modifications.
I'm sure there is a smart / streamlined way to solve this situation so we're not constantly committing back and forth between the raw js/css files and the newly generated minified filename every time we update our production version with the latest dev version.
I'm thinking the solution might involve symlinks or something to that effect but I'm not too familiar with them and would prefer to learn it and do it right from the start.
Any suggestions, tips, or direction would be greatly appreciated
Thanks everyone
jstats, we manage a similar setup and as per your comment, that makes sense.
To reiterate what I think you decided to do in that case -
That requires a leap of an assumption, but I have seen that implementation before so I went with it :-p
Answer to your question regarding a more streamlined version:
Yes, one great way to streamline this is via something like Google Pagespeed Module
Then, simply set up in your Virtual Hosts Configuration for your Production setup to allow Pagespeed to do its thing and on your development setup, turn Pagespeed off!
Ends up being relatively simple this way.
I'm sure you've moved on but in case someone else finds this question and is looking for an answer..