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Opening worksheets based on Cell names in VBA

it's my first time posting on Stack Overflow. I am trying to use VBA to get it to create a new worksheet based on a cell value in sheet 1. But if the sheet already exists I need it to open that sheet instead. I'm having difficulty with this as I don't actually know the name of the sheet. I thought I could do this if I create another sheet where it stores the names of projects, using a counter. It shows me I have run-time error 91. This is the code I currently have:

Public Sub DailyReport()

Dim project As Range
project = Worksheets("Target Flow").Range("B3")

Dim i As Integer
i = 1

If Worksheets("Target Flow").Range("B3") <> 
Worksheets("Projects").Cells(1000, 1).Value Then

Worksheets("Target Flow").Range("B3").Select

Cells(i, 1).Select

Dim WS As Worksheet
Set WS = Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Worksheets.Count))

WS.Name = project.Value

i = i + 1


Worksheets("Target Flow").Activate

End If

End Sub

If anyone could guide me in the right direction, I'd be grateful!!


  • This code will scan all sheets in the active workbook to see if there is a name match, if there is it will activate it. After the loop if it doesn't see a match was made it will create it.

    Dim targetSheetName As String
    Dim targetSheetFound As Boolean
    Dim sheet As Worksheet
    targetSheetName = Worksheets("Target Flow").Range("B3")
    targetSheetFound = False
    For Each sheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
        If sheet.Name = targetSheetName Then
            targetSheetFound = True
        End If
    If Not targetSheetFound Then
        set sheet = Sheets.Add
        sheet.Name = targetSheetName
    End If