I export a table of participants. I have a form for the participants, where I have dynamically generated section for choosing meals. It comes from array like this:
$days = array(
'title' => 'Saturday',
'meals' => array(
'title' => 'Brf',
'price' => 25
'title' => 'Lnch',
'price' => 60
'title' => 'Dnr',
'price' => 35
I need to merge and center day titles (Thursday, Friday...) and merge with number of cells on the right. The number of merged cells equals to count($days[$day]['meals'])
I use creating table from array $PHPexcelsheet->from_array($a);
for table data. If it could be used for the header too, would be nice, but not necessary.
Finally I got to the solution. Doesn't seem so pretty, as I supposed, and also doesn*t work with more than 26 cols (which I don't need), but works.
$i = 0;
$c = 4;
$alphabet = range('A', 'Z');
while ($i < count($ceny_jidlo)) {
$den = $ceny_jidlo[$i];
$s = $alphabet[$c];
$sheet->setCellValue("{$s}1", $den['short']);
$co = $c;
$c = $c + count($den['opts']) - 1;
$e = $alphabet[$c];
for ($j = $co; $j <= $c; $j++)
colstyle($shit, $alphabet[$j], $eRow, 10);