I want to display multiple animation one after another. gifArray
has list of animation. I'm looping this array in for-loop. What happening is last animation is getting displayed and finished.
How can I continue the each loop only when current loop animation gets finished ?
for index in 0..<gifArray.count {
self.makeAnimation(value: index)
func makeAnimation(value: Int){
let anotherAnimationView = LOTAnimationView(name: gifNames[value])
animationView = anotherAnimationView
animationView?.play(completion: { finished in
You can add a completionHandler
to your function which you can call when the animation
is completed:
func makeAnimation(value: Int, onCompletion: @escaping (LOTAnimationView) -> Void) {
let anotherAnimationView = LOTAnimationView(name: gifNames[value])
animationView = anotherAnimationView
animationView?.play(completion: { finished in
And to use it use the following:
makeAnimation(value: 1000000) { (animationView) in