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From where default WH/Stock Created?

I viewing the code of stock module in odoo. i know that record(product, customers) can be created using data file while installing module. i view the data file of stock module but there is no any records from where WH/Stock created.

like here partner location created using this. so from where WH/Stock Location created and how?

<record id="stock_location_locations_partner" model="stock.location">
    <field name="name">Partner Locations</field>
    <field name="usage">view</field>
    <field name="posz">1</field>
    <field name="company_id"></field>


  • When installing stock module first time the WH/Stock location created see below code of file's create method in stock module. see the sub_locations dictionary in below code. only reference xml id assigned using yml file.

    def create(self, vals):
        # create view location for warehouse then create all locations
        loc_vals = {'name': _(vals.get('code')), 'usage': 'view',
                    'location_id': self.env.ref('stock.stock_location_locations').id}
        if vals.get('company_id'):
            loc_vals['company_id'] = vals.get('company_id')
        vals['view_location_id'] = self.env['stock.location'].create(loc_vals).id
        def_values = self.default_get(['reception_steps', 'delivery_steps'])
        reception_steps = vals.get('reception_steps',  def_values['reception_steps'])
        delivery_steps = vals.get('delivery_steps', def_values['delivery_steps'])
        sub_locations = {
            'lot_stock_id': {'name': _('Stock'), 'active': True, 'usage': 'internal'},
            'wh_input_stock_loc_id': {'name': _('Input'), 'active': reception_steps != 'one_step', 'usage': 'internal'},
            'wh_qc_stock_loc_id': {'name': _('Quality Control'), 'active': reception_steps == 'three_steps', 'usage': 'internal'},
            'wh_output_stock_loc_id': {'name': _('Output'), 'active': delivery_steps != 'ship_only', 'usage': 'internal'},
            'wh_pack_stock_loc_id': {'name': _('Packing Zone'), 'active': delivery_steps == 'pick_pack_ship', 'usage': 'internal'},
        for field_name, values in sub_locations.iteritems():
            values['location_id'] = vals['view_location_id']
            if vals.get('company_id'):
                values['company_id'] = vals.get('company_id')
            vals[field_name] = self.env['stock.location'].with_context(active_test=False).create(values).id
        # actually create WH
        warehouse = super(Warehouse, self).create(vals)
        # create sequences and picking types
        new_vals = warehouse.create_sequences_and_picking_types()
        warehouse.write(new_vals)  # TDE FIXME: use super ?
        # create routes and push/procurement rules
        route_vals = warehouse.create_routes()
        # update partner data if partner assigned
        if vals.get('partner_id'):
            self._update_partner_data(vals['partner_id'], vals.get('company_id'))
        return warehouse