Is it possible to initialize a Func from an array in a generator class? The code should look like this.
class SobelConv: public Halide::Generator<SobelConv> {
const signed char kernelx[3][3] = {
{-1, 0, 1},
{-2, 0, 2},
{-1, 0, 1}
void generate() {
for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
kernel_x(x, y) = kernelx[y][x];
conv_x(x, y) += gray(x+win.x, y+win.y) * kernel_x(win.x + 1, win.y + 1);
Func kernel_x{"kernel_x"};
Currently, the way I did is to define Input<Buffer<int8_t>> kernel_x
. I do not want it to be an argument of the pipeline function, and would like kernel_x to be replaced with the respective numbers directly.
The following compiles and illustrates one way to do this:
#include "Halide.h"
class SobelConv: public Halide::Generator<SobelConv> {
signed char weights[3][3] = {
{-1, 0, 1},
{-2, 0, 2},
{-1, 0, 1}
Input<Buffer<int8_t>> gray{"gray", 2};
Halide::Buffer<int8_t> kernel_x{&weights[0][0], 3, 3};
Output<Buffer<int8_t>> conv_x{"conv_x", 2};
Var x, y;
RDom win{0, 3};
void generate() {
conv_x(x, y) += gray(x+win.x, y+win.y) * kernel_x(win.x + 1, win.y + 1);
The weights will be embedded in the generated code at compile time. We should have a way to provide the constant values for the weights in an initializer list as well, but I'm not finding it at the moment.