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Get JSON data on HTML Form Submit with HTTP POST

I am trying to get JSON data on click of a button

Heres the HTML for it

<title> </title>
<h2> Main API -</h3>
<form method="get" enctype="application/json; charset=utf-8" 
    action="" border="1">
    <input type=submit value="Show Main API"> </td>

I am getting XML data.

However I need JSON data. How can I achieve this?

Is the enctype I am setting same as the content-type?

If not what is the difference and what is the right value to get the JSON data?




  • However I need JSON data. How can I achieve this?

    To get it directly, it depends on the service. The URL to the documentation you provided leads to a 404.

    To get it indirectly, you could run a server side process to fetch the XML and convert it to JSON, then talk to your server side process instead of the remote API. Likewise, you could use a third party service that can do that (YQL will, I think).

    Is the enctype I am setting same as the content-type?

    More or less … but of the data the browser sends. Only the values "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" and "multipart/form-data" are well supported.