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ngClass in Angular not applied

I am trying to use [ngClass] in Angular and seems like it is not getting applied. Surprising [ngStyle] for similar css styles are working. Waht am I doing wrong here? There is no error in the console. When I do check the dev tools the classes are being applied to the tag but not in the browser view. I have tried all different options - class, [class], [ngClass], ngClass. I have also tried both className and ngClass.

Please find the plunker attached for reference:

    selector: 'aboutus',
        <span class="classone classtwo">{{vari.title}}</span>
        <div ngClass="['classone','classtwo']">{{vari.title}}</div>
         <div [ngClass]="['classone','classtwo']">{{vari.title}}</div>
        <div [className]="classdef">{{vari.title}}</div>
    styles: [`
            font-weight: 'normal' !important;
            font-size: '40px' !important;
export class AboutusComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
    vari: any = {title: 'test'}
    classdef: any[] = ['classone', 'classtwo']
    constructor() { }



  • Issue is in your css.

    replace this

            font-size: '40px' !important;


            font-size: 40px !important;

    //our root app component

        import {Component, NgModule, VERSION, OnInit, OnDestroy} from '@angular/core'
        import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser'
        import {CommonModule} from '@angular/common'
            selector: 'my-app',
                <span class="classone classtwo">{{vari.title}}</span>
                <div ngClass="['classone','classtwo']">{{vari.title}}</div>
                <div [ngClass]="['classone','classtwo']">{{vari.title}}</div>
                <div [className]="classdef">{{vari.title}}</div>
            styles: [`
                    font-weight: normal !important;
                    font-size: 40px !important;