how can i get list of book from Wikibooks with SPARQL query fo example :
SELECT ?author ?name ?label ?text ?title ?isbn ?publisher ?literaryGenre ?pages WHERE
{?book a dbo:Book.
?book dbo:author ?author.
?book dbo:numberOfPages ?pages.
?book dbp:title ?title.
?book dba:isbn ?isbn.
?book dba:publisher ?publisher.
FILTER regex(?title , "java") . }
I'm wondering whether you know that Wikibooks is not Wikipedia and DBpedia is based on Wikipedia?!
And then, why do you have two prefixes dbo
and dba
for the same namespace ? I really suggest to understand what you're doing and what the query does instead of copy and paste from some other sources. SPARQL and RDF tutorials might help, and also the official documentation is useful.
Next issue, you SELECT
variables ?name
, ?label
, ?text
and ?literaryGenre
which are not bound in a triple pattern in the WHERE
part. It's also not clear what you expect to get for ?text
. The whole text of the book?! For sure, this won't exist, think about copyrights.
And what would be the difference between ?name
and ?title
? I don't think that dbp:title
is the appropriate property here, see
PREFIX dbo: <>
PREFIX dbp: <>
SELECT count(*) WHERE {
?book a dbo:Book ;
dbp:title ?title.
which returns 19
My suggestion:
PREFIX dbo: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
?book a dbo:Book .
?book dbo:author ?author .
OPTIONAL { ?book dbo:numberOfPages ?pages }
OPTIONAL { ?book dbo:isbn ?isbn }
OPTIONAL { ?book dbo:publisher ?publisher }
# get the English title
?book rdfs:label ?name.
# get an English description, but not the text
?book rdfs:comment ?text .
# filter for books whose title contains "java"
FILTER regex(str(?name) , "java", "i") .
More efficient using the Virtuoso fulltext index predicate bif:contains
PREFIX dbo: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
?book a dbo:Book .
?book dbo:author ?author .
OPTIONAL { ?book dbo:numberOfPages ?pages }
OPTIONAL { ?book dbo:isbn ?isbn }
OPTIONAL { ?book dbo:publisher ?publisher }
# get the English title
?book rdfs:label ?name.
# get an English description, but not the text
?book rdfs:comment ?text .
# filter for books whose title contains "java"
?name bif:contains '"java"'
As a book might have multiple authors resp. publisher you might get duplicate rows, here GROUP_BY
in combination with GROUP_CONCAT
is the way to go (grouped by book):
PREFIX dbo: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT ?book (group_concat(DISTINCT ?author; separator = ", ") as ?authors) (group_concat(DISTINCT ?publisher; separator = ", ") as ?publishers) (sample(?pages) as ?numPages) (sample(?isbn_tmp) as ?isbn) WHERE {
?book a dbo:Book .
?book dbo:author ?author .
OPTIONAL { ?book dbo:numberOfPages ?pages }
OPTIONAL { ?book dbo:isbn ?isbn_tmp }
OPTIONAL { ?book dbo:publisher ?publisher }
# get the English title
?book rdfs:label ?name.
# get an English description, but not the text
?book rdfs:comment ?text .
# filter for books whose title contains "java"
?name bif:contains '"java"'
GROUP BY ?book