I'm developing an android app by crawling HTML from an Web site but I got NullPointerException when I'm using connection.get() to get Document. So I tested like this.
try {
conn = Jsoup.connect(url);
document = conn.get();
res = conn.execute();
} catch (IOException e) {
if (conn != null) {
textView.append("conn is not null\n");
} else {
textView.append("conn is null\n");
if (document != null) {
textView.append("document not is null\n");
} else {
textView.append("document is null\n");
if (res != null) {
textView.append("res is not null.\n");
} else {
textView.append("res is null\n");
and the result is
conn is not null.
document is null.
res is null.
I tried this on http://google.com and the result is
conn is not null.
document is not null.
res is not null.
and I can get Document, of course.
Why do I get null from connection.excute(), connection.get()?
First of all looking at the documentation, you don't need to call either execute and get: the connection.get() method
Execute the request as a GET, and parse the result.
The reason why you don't get any response from your url it's because you try to run on main thread