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bbc micro bit radio string broadcast

I have some really simple code, which I want to build up to detect button presses and then send out the button status using the radio function. But I cannot get the code to work, I thought setting the string with a fix text and then broadcast using the radio function would just work, but seem to be getting an error. I don't want to do via if states, as I will add more into the string with different sensor values and button presses etc.

from microbit import *
import radio


while True:

     button_status_a = "Button A pressed"



  • You don't say how you are detecting the transmission. There is a working example of sending and receiving simple messages using button presses at this question:

    BBC Bit Micro - Radio string transfer random carriage returns

    The example uses if statements which you say you want to avoid. These are used to detect the button press.