I want to make an alert system on Apigee that will automatically send alerts to Slack, without the need for human interference.
However, the only OAuth flow for Slack I found on their api site seems to require a user to manually input their credentials: https://api.slack.com/docs/oauth
How can I automate getting an access token from Slack, so without having to manually input credentials?
I think you may have misunderstood the concept of Oauth. The way it is supposed to work is, that you run the process only once per Slack team (usually while installing the Slack app to your Slack team) and then store the access token you received for future reference (e.g. in a database). So whenever your Slack app needs the access token after installation it can always reuse the one it received during installation.
If you don't require any scripts to run for installation and you only need the access token you can also install your Slack app directly from Slack (under "Your Apps") and then copy and paste the resulting access token to your app configuration. Check this documentation for further information.