I am trying to create a custom auth provider called "cgpsauth" and I am getting "Unknown provider" when I call:
var ru = Realm.Sync.User.registerWithProvider(
(error, user) => {...
Here is my provider which I know is being loaded because if I make a syntax error in this file I get an error when I launch the ROS:
module.exports = function(deps) {
return class CgpsAuthProvider extends deps.BaseAuthProvider {
static get name() {
return 'custom/cgpsauth';
constructor(name, options, requestPromise) {
super(name, options, requestPromise);
verifyIdentifier(req) {
const token = req.body.data;
return 30;
implementation: cgpsauth.js
You have to prefix the provider name when authenticating from the client SDK with custom/
var ru = Realm.Sync.User.registerWithProvider(
(error, user) => {...