I got hired on as a junior developer at a company that does some e-commerce work. They are sending me to different training courses for Linux Fundamentals, Linux System Administration, and then to a Magento Bootcamp. With that being said I am hoping to be proactive about my training and how soak in as much as I can.
I was looking at Lynda, Pluralsight, TheOdinProject as well as many other sites and there isn't really an online learning path that suits the LAMP stack. Does anyone have recommendations? Maybe I should be looking at individual courses rather than the stack itself? If that is the case, which courses?
LAMP is Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. To learn this stack you should look for individual courses. Although they all go hand-in-hand, you will need to focus on them individually until you're working in an environment which uses the full stack (i.e. Magento).
I suggest learning these things: How to install the LAMP stack, basic linux terminal commands, basic MySQL commands and using MySQL from the command line, understanding what Apache is/does, understanding what MVC pattern is (Model, View, Controller) and also diving into the basics of PHP and Object-Oriented Programming methodology.
Magento is a very complex application with a lot of moving parts. Understanding LAMP is very different from understanding Magento and how to develop in it. Magento uses all these elements but is a deep framework which has its own way of doing things. I suggest learning the basics and have a general understanding of the LAMP components, this will help you a lot when you go to the Magento training.
I hope this was helpful!