I'm trying to create a TLabel
and get text from FinishedLabel
to show transparency on text when show a custom background image on Finished Page.
I make the same with FinishedHeadingLabel
and works perfectly,
But it does not work with FinishedLabel
, here is the code:
BottomFinishedLabel := TLabel.Create(WizardForm);
BottomFinishedLabel.Parent := WizardForm.FinishedLabel.Parent;
BottomFinishedLabel.Font := WizardForm.FinishedLabel.Font;
BottomFinishedLabel.Caption := WizardForm.FinishedLabel.Caption;
BottomFinishedLabel.WordWrap := WizardForm.FinishedLabel.WordWrap;
InheritBoundsRect(WizardForm.FinishedLabel, BottomFinishedLabel);
WizardForm.FinishedLabel.Visible := False;
This is what it show:
You probably copy the text too early.
The FinishedLabel
is set only after CurStepChanged(ssPostInstall)
I.e. earliest you can read it is in CurPageChanged(wpFinished)
(or in ShouldSkipPage(wpFinished)
If you know what variant of the text shows, you can also read msgFinishedRestartLabel
, msgFinishedLabel
or msgFinishedLabelNoIcons
+ msgClickFinish
using SetupMessage