I am using the following code from this posting. Code from Checked Answer
I need to get the Control (Label.Caption) under the mouse cursor from one of several TLabel and it worked fine when the Label was on the Main From. I put the Labels on a Panel on the Main form and now this only finds the Panel. I only want this to work on a select few of the Labels of the many that are on the Panel.
I tried changing the Z-Order for the Labels as "Bring To Front" but it made no difference, still got the Panel. How can I again find a Label under the cursor now that they are on the Panel?
Lazarus does not appear to have FindVCLWindow or ObjectAtPoint.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
ctrl : TControl;
point : TPoint;
point := Mouse.CursorPos; // Mouse pos at screen
Dec(point.X, Left); // Adjust for window.
Dec(point.Y, Top);
Dec(point.Y, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION)); // Adjust to client area.
ctrl := ControlAtPos(point, True, True, True);
// I added the following
tStr:=ctrl.Name; // DEBUG: This now shows "Panel2"
aStr:=(ctrl as TLabel).Caption; // This used to work
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
ctrl: TControl;
pt: TPoint;
pt := ScreenToClient(Mouse.CursorPos);
ctrl := ControlAtPos(pt, [capfRecursive, capfAllowWinControls]);
if Assigned(ctrl) then
Caption := ctrl.Name
Caption := Format('%d, %d', [pt.x, pt.y]);