I'm trying to use Kotlin and Anko's DSL to create an alert dialog that lets a user pick an image, and then loads it into an ImageView. Right now I'm just trying go get the ImageView to work, so I have the button click to load a preselected image from a URL using Picasso.
When I click the button in the alert dialog, I get this error:
kotlin.TypeCastException: null cannot be cast to non-null type android.widget.ImageView
I'm guessing for some reason the ImageView isn't being loaded through findViewById. Does anyone know why this might be? I'm guessing Anko's DSL has some weird behavior I don't know about.
fab.setOnClickListener { view ->
alert {
title = "New Post"
customView {
verticalLayout {
val subject = editText {
hint = "Subject"
imageView {
id = R.id.picked_image
linearLayout {
gravity = Gravity.CENTER
button("Choose Photo") {
onClick {
.into(findViewById(R.id.picked_image) as ImageView)
button("Choose Image") {}
positiveButton("Post") { }
negativeButton("Cancel") {}
You can get a reference to the ImageView
like this and avoid having to deal with IDs altogether:
val iv = imageView()
onClick {