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Timestamp conversion to instant in Java adds unnecessary time offset

I need to be able to convert data fetched from MySQL database that is stored in a "datetime" fields into Java ZonedDateTime object.

ZonedDateTime dt = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(rs.getTimestamp("Start").toInstant(), UTC_ZONE_ID)

The problem I'm having is that toInstant() adds local time offset to the Timestamp object which I don't need because the datetime is already stored in a UTC format in a database. So when I run the following code:

ZonedDateTime startDT = 

I get:

2017-06-08 13:15:00.0

I need the time component to stay unchanged.

I was unable to find any obvious solution to the problem so am I missing something here?


  • I think this code snippet answers your question. This takes in a String in a local time zone, converts it to UTC, and stores it in a db.

        //Getting the LocalDateTime Objects from String values
        DateTimeFormatter df = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd kk:mm"); 
        String txtStartTime = "2017-03-29 12:00";
        LocalDateTime ldtStart = LocalDateTime.parse(txtStartTime, df);
        //Convert to a ZonedDate Time in UTC
        ZoneId zid = ZoneId.systemDefault();
        ZonedDateTime zdtStart = ldtStart.atZone(zid);
        System.out.println("Local Time: " + zdtStart);
        ZonedDateTime utcStart = zdtStart.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of("UTC"));
        System.out.println("Zoned time: " + utcStart);
        ldtStart = utcStart.toLocalDateTime();
        System.out.println("Zoned time with zone stripped:" + ldtStart);
        //Create Timestamp values from Instants to update database
        Timestamp startsqlts = Timestamp.valueOf(ldtStart); //this value can be inserted into database
        System.out.println("Timestamp to be inserted: " +startsqlts);