Since it is easier and less verbose to enforce data structure in an XSD file than it is in a Schematron and since we already have working XSD files to validate single entities, I would like to include these as a first validation phase in my Schematron.
I found tutorials describing the other way around (embedded Schematron rules in XSD).
I found the element <sch:include href="my.xsd">
but when I validate (with oXygen) it does not seem to make a difference.
It seems I am missing something very obvious as this should be supported without problems or shouldn't it?
Well, there is as far as I know, no concept to include XSD in Schematron. But as you can embed XSLT in Schematron and XSLT schema-aware is able to validate your input data, you can use xsl:import-schema:
<sch:schema xmlns:sch="" queryBinding="xslt2" xmlns:xsl=""
<xsl:import-schema schema-location="path/to/my.xsd"/>
<!-- [your schematron rules] -->
In oXygen you need to activate schema-aware for Schematron validations:
Preferences -> XML -> XML-Parser -> Schematron -> Use Saxon EE (schema-aware) for xslt2/xslt3 query language binding.