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Cannot drop disconnected oracle user

I am trying to drop a user from an Oracle DB (version 12c), but can not get it to work. The error I am getting is:

ORA-01940: cannot drop a user that is currently connected

Naturally I looked around, and found out how to forcibly disconnect and kill a session. So I used the query:

select s.sid, s.serial#, status, s.username 
from v$session s 
where username = 'user_i_want_to_drop';

and then killed the only active session by using

alter system kill session '<sid>,<serial#>' IMMEDIATE;

naturally using the values from the query.

When I run the query again, it comes up empty, as expected. However, I still cannot drop the user and get the same error message.

I have noticed that when I query on gv$session, two sessions for that user show up. However, I cannot kill those using the alter system kill session statement I used above.

What am I missing here?


  • The other session(s) are connected to another instance of your cluster.

    Add inst_id to your gv$session query, like this:

    select sid,serial#,inst_id 
    from gv$session 
    where username = 'user_i_want_to_drop';

    Then, include the inst_id in the alter system kill session command, like this:

    alter system kill session '<sid>,<serial#>,@<inst_id>' immediate;


    alter system kill session '15,1891,@1' immediate;