In a single log file, there are two formats of log messages. First as so:
Apr 22, 2017 2:00:14 AM org.activebpel.rt.util.AeLoggerFactory info
ActiveVOS 9.* version Full license.
Licensed for All application server(s), for 8 cpus,
License expiration date: Never.
and second:
Apr 22, 2017 2:00:14 AM org.activebpel.rt.AeException logWarning
WARNING: The product license does not include Socrates.
First line is same, but on the other lines, there can be (written in pseudo) :loglevel: <msg>
, or
loglevel:<newline><many of =><newline><multiple line msg><newline><many of =>
I have the following configuration:
%{TIMESTAMP_MW_ERR:timestamp} %{DATA:logger} %{GREEDYDATA:info}%{SPACE}%{LOGLEVEL:level}:(%{SPACE}%{GREEDYDATA:msg}|%{SPACE}=+(%{GREEDYDATA:msg}%{SPACE})*=+)
Grok patterns:
AMPM (am|AM|pm|PM|Am|Pm)
Multiline filter:
The problem is that all messages are always identified with %{SPACE}%{GREEDYDATA:msg}
, and so in second case return <many of =>
as msg
, and never with %{SPACE}=+(%{GREEDYDATA:msg}%{SPACE})*=+
, probably as first msg
pattern contains the second.
How can I parse these two patterns of msg
I fixed it by following:
%{TIMESTAMP_MW_ERR:timestamp} %{DATA:logger} %{DATA:info}\s%{LOGLEVEL:level}:\s((=+\s%{GDS:msg}\s=+)|%{GDS:msg})
AMPM (am|AM|pm|PM|Am|Pm)
GDS (.|\s)*
Multiline pattern:
Logs are correctly parsed.