I'm new to sails.js but I've been reading a bunch of the documentation for the last couple of days so I feel like I have a basic grasp on the platform. But I can't seem to get custom grunt tasks added and registered. I've tried a few ways and none of them seem to work. So I figured I'd keep it simple and just register a task with one of the existing register files, but I'm still not about to get this method to work.
So I've added the following Gruntfile to tasks/config/comp.js
module.exports = function(grunt) {
grunt.config.set('comp', {
dev: {
options: {
module: 'system',
moduleResolution: 'node',
target: 'es3',
experimentalDecorators: true,
emitDecoratorMetadata: true,
noImplicitAny: false
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: 'assets/js/',
src: [ '**/*.ts' ],
dest: '.tmp/public/js',
ext: '.js'
And I added the following line to tasks/register/compileAssets.js
* `compileAssets`
* ---------------------------------------------------------------
* This Grunt tasklist is not designed to be used directly-- rather
* it is a helper called by the `default`, `prod`, `build`, and
* `buildProd` tasklists.
* For more information see:
* http://sailsjs.org/documentation/anatomy/my-app/tasks/register/compile-assets-js
module.exports = function(grunt) {
grunt.registerTask('compileAssets', [
However whenever I run sails lift
I get the following error
info: Starting app...
info: info: .-..-. info: info: Sails <| .-..-. info: v0.12.13 |\ info: /|.\ info: / || \ info: ,' |' \ info: .-'.-==|/_--' info:
--'-------' info: __---___--___---___--___---___--___ info: ____---___--___---___--___---___--___-__ info: info: Server lifted in
C:\Users\josh\Documents\PGW` info: To see your app, visit http://localhost:1337 info: To shut down Sails, press + C at any time.debug: ------------------------------------------------------- debug: :: Thu Jun 08 2017 16:32:01 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time)
debug: Environment : development debug: Port : 1337 debug: ------------------------------------------------------- error: ** Grunt :: An error occurred. **
Aborted due to warnings.
Warning: Task "comp:dev" not found.
error: Looks like a Grunt error occurred-- error: Please fix it, then restart Sails to continue running tasks (e.g. watching for changes in assets) error: Or if you're stuck, check out the troubleshooting tips below.
error: Troubleshooting tips: error: error: *-> Are "grunt" and related grunt task modules installed locally? Run
npm install
if you're not sure. error: error: *-> You might have a malformed LESS, SASS, CoffeeScript file, etc. error: error: *-> Or maybe you don't have permissions to access the.tmp
directory? error: e.g.,C:\Users\josh\Documents\PGW\.tmp
? error: error: If you think this might be the case, try running: error: sudo chown -R YOUR_COMPUTER_USER_NAME C:\Users\josh\Documents\PGW.tmp
I've been banging my head against this for hours and I don't understand why sails lift
won't run my task. I feel like I've followed the directions well between reading the sails docs and other stackoverflow articles. Can someone help me understand what I'm missing here?
You are trying to run the comp
target you have defined but grunt is finding no associated comp
taskname --> grunt plugin mapping to execute it.
Looks like you are attempting to use grunt-ts
Which adds the ts
task. Change 'comp' to ts
in your target defintion:
grunt.config.set('ts', {
And update the compileAssets.js file
grunt.registerTask('compileAssets', [
'ts:dev' //execute grunt-ts
This should be enough to fix. If you still have issues make sure you have grunt-ts
npm install grunt-ts
If you really want to statically map a taskname to a plugin you could use something like jit-grunt to do this for you:
require('jit-grunt')(grunt, {
comp: 'grunt-ts', //comp now maps to grunt-ts plugins