i have 2 tables (each two tables have the same structure)
i get the sum of two table with bellow code.
now i want to find Sum of the records from the previous month and Sum of the current month, and Compare they.
If the sum of the previous month is greater than the sum of the current month Records to be selected.If not, is not selected
Table 1 Table 2<br>
StudentId=1 Score=50 Date =2017/01/01 StudentId= 1 Score=100 Date =2017/01/01<br>
StudentId=1 Score=20 Date =2017/02/01 StudentId= 1 Score=10 Date =2017/02/01<br>
StudentId=2 Score=60 Date =2017/01/01 StudentId= 2 Score=100 Date =2017/01/01<br>
StudentId=2 Score=540 Date =2017/02/01 StudentId= 2 Score=100 Date =2017/02/01<br>
Current Result:
StudentId HighScoreUser<br>
1 180<br>
2 800<br>
Result that i want :
StudentId Prev Month(2017/01/01) Current Month(2017/02/01)<br>
1 150 30<br>
2 160 640<br>
1 --> 150 > 30 -->True? --> Yes, So must be selected
Result (selected values) = StudentId , (Sum prev Month - Sum Current Month)
<br>`CREATE PROCEDURE SelectTopMonth
@Date1 NVARCHAR(12),
@Date2 NVARCHAR(12)
SELECT StudentId, ISNULL(SUM(Score),0) As HighScoreUser
FROM (SELECT StudentId, Score FROM tbl_ActPoint WHERE Date >= @Date1 AND Date <= @Date2
SELECT StudentId, Score FROM tbl_EvaPoint WHERE Date >= @Date1 AND Date <= @Date2
) as T
GROUP BY StudentId ORDER BY HighScoreUser DESC
You can use lead analytical function of SQL Server in order to get your result.
create table table1
studentid integer,
score integer,
date date
insert into table1 values(1,50,'2017/01/01');
insert into table1 values(1,20,'2017/02/01');
insert into table1 values(2,60,'2017/01/01');
insert into table1 values(2,540,'2017/02/01');
create table table2
studentid integer,
score integer,
date date
insert into table2 values(1,100,'2017/01/01');
insert into table2 values(1,10,'2017/02/01');
insert into table2 values(2,100,'2017/01/01');
insert into table2 values(2,100,'2017/02/01');
with data as (
select table1.studentid , (table1.score + table2.score) as pre_score, table1.date,
lead((table1.score + table2.score),1) over(partition by table1.studentid order by table1.studentid,table1.date)
as cur_score
from table1 join table2
on table1.studentid = table2.studentid
and table1.date = table2.date
select * from data
where cur_score is not null
and pre_score > cur_score
Added this condition as per your comment "and pre_score > cur_score".