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I want to show a multi floor indoor map in ios using swift

I would like to create an indoor navigation app. But I have some trouble with a floor plan. I have location beacons to identify and detect user's position. I don't want to do estimate like a 3rd party tool it will be costly. Now I have troubles with.

  1. Drawing floor plans
  2. Showing routes a to b.
  3. Scaling of map like zooming.
  4. I have lengthy or big floor, plan how to manage.
  5. Tagging info on clicking on of the part of map show up the info box.

Can you please suggest how to keep floor plan and routes and distances coordinate position.


  • I recently worked on the indoor navigation project based on beacons. These are the things you have to keep in mind for the questions you asked.

    1. You need the floor plan image or layout image for each of the floors.

    2. For showing route, you have to know some algorithms to achieve the expected result. I used Dijikstra algorithm to plot the route between two points.

    3. For scaling and zooming you have delegate methods in UIScrollViewDelegate

    4. Based on the resolution of the image you have to present it.

    5. Customize the info view on click.

    You have to dig deep to make your project work. Need a deep understanding of the swift or objective - c. The answers to your question can't be given in a word. These are some of the understanding based on my experience.

    All the best!