I have just upgraded to rails3 and when I installed my usual attachment_fu plugin failed. So I started googling it and although I did manage to find a rails3 version there seemed to be a lot more people talking about paperclip with rails3.
So firstly what are the advantages of paperclip?
Is there better support for rails3 with it?
Neither. Use carrierwave .
To handle the file uploads, I’ve switched from Paperclip to CarrierWave. While Paperclip has (and continues) to serve me well in many applications I work with, I really appreciate the modular approach that CarrierWave takes. It’s agnostic as to which of the popular S3 clients you use, supporting both aws/s3 and right_aws. It’s also ORM agnostic and not tightly coupled to Active Record. The tight coupling of Paperclip has caused us some grief at work, and I’m also confused about the state of Paperclip’s support for aws/s3 and right_aws. So, I was happy to find this new project, and the maintainer Jonas Nicklas seems to be an extremely responsive and helpful dude, which is always good thing. The code looks great, and I’ve had an easy time working with this library so far. (from: http://trevorturk.com/2010/2/8/kzak-an-open-source-web-based-jukebox/)
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